Friday, August 31, 2007

I love Tennis

Last night I was watching the US Open and I saw the best match I have ever seen. It was Blake vs Santoro and Blake won in 5 sets. Santoro was fierce and didn't go down without a fight. That match was, honestly, the most entertaining and exciting match I've ever seen. It was unbelievable!! Oh yeah and I went to the zoo today woohoo!! I saw my favorite animal, the tiger. He's so pretty =) I want to get a tiger tattoo on my leg somewhere.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's too hot

So I did a bunch of errands today in this fucking billion and one degree weather. I bought some candy at Kmart, but I didn't see Carol =( Then I went to Hallmark and Barnes & Noble. I love that store! I could spend all day in B&N. I bought a Gil Elvgren pin up girl calendar woohoo! And a tattoo magazine with Kat Von D on the cover. Barnes & Noble rules!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So many movies...

So "Eastern Promises" and "The Brave One" open on Sept 14th. Then "Across the Universe" and "Resident Evil: Extinction" open on the 21st! I hate when this happens. Boo!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Good month for movies...

September is going to be a good month for movies. "The Brave One" opens Sept 14th. I can't wait to see this. Jodie Foster looks so badass! I love the poster too. The movie I'm most looking forward to opens Sept 21st..."Across the Universe!" I think the soundtrack comes out on the 18th. oh yeah and "Halloween" opens this friday! woohoo!! Here's the trailer for "The Brave One" if you haven't seen it already.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sienna Guillory rules!

Sienna Guillory is one of my fave actresses. She was Jill Valentine in the movie "Resident Evil: Apocalypse." I have a tattoo of her on my right thigh. A while ago, I sent her an email on myspace telling her about my tattoo. Well guess what? Today, I noticed she updated her profile and added some new pics. She posted a pic of my tattoo on her myspace!!! She thinks it's "brilliant." How cool is that?! I love my tattoos =)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I love shopping

I went to Best Buy today and I picked up the new "Halloween" soundtrack. Overall, it's not bad. You can tell that it's a Rob Zombie cd. There's a lot of dialogue. However, I don't like the new version of the theme song! It sounds very electronic and synthesized. They should have used the original theme song. It would've been much more effective. I also bought the "Halloween 25 years of Terror" dvd. I already owned the original, but this one has a lot of special features yay! I'm really looking forward to the new movie though. "Halloween" is my fave horror movie ever!! I found "Little Miss Sunshine" too =) I love that movie! I still have to buy Rilo Kiley's new album "Under the Blacklight." I'll probably get that on itunes. Here's the trailer for "Halloween" if you haven't seen it already.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth = Brilliant filmmaking

I finally got around to watching "Pan's Labyrinth" and it was unbelievable!! It's a fucking brilliant movie. It has now become one of my fave movies ever. If you haven't seen it, go watch it! I was reading the message boards over at IMDB and someone posted a quote from the new Harry Potter book that is perfectly suited to sum up this film..."Of course this is happening inside your head Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm in love with Aida and cell phones should be banned from theatres

I just got home from seeing "Aida" and I'm so in love with this show. I've had the cast recording for a while and I listen to it all the time. I love all of the songs! Heather Headley and Adam Pascal singing together is nothing short is amazing to listen to.


Nikki Renee Daniels played "Aida." She is so gorgeous!! Her voice is absolute ecstasy to listen to haha That girl has a set of lungs on her. She is so am-fuckin-azing!! I wish I could've met her. Michael Hunsaker played Aida's lover, "Radames." Nikki and Michael sounded fantastic together! His vibrato was a little too much for me, but I loved him anyway. Jacqueline Bayne played "Amneris." She was also very very good. I don't think her voice was strong enough for the part. I still loved her though.

The show takes place in Ancient Egypt. A princess, Aida, falls in love with a prince, Radames. But, Radames is engaged to I loved the beginning of the show. The scene was set in a museum with "Amneris" in a glass case, on display, singing the first song "Every Story Is A Love Story." She stepped out of the case and sang the rest of the song. That led directly into "Fortune Favors The Brave." One of my fave songs was "My Strongest Suit." Like I said before, I don't think Jacqueline had a strong enough voice for this song. Her voice was drowned out by the back up singers and the band. Also, towards the ends, the song really picked up and I didn't feel that energy that maybe should have been there. "Dance of the Robe" was awesome!! Nikki got a lot of cheers at the end for her belting yay! Then my absolute fave song in the show was "Elaborate Lives." That could be one of my fave songs ever! Words cannot describe how good that song was. I had chills throughout the entire song. When Nikki joined Michael in singing "We all lead such elaborate lives..." I almost started crying. It was so beautiful to watch. Then Nikki sang the Act 1 finale "The Gods Love Nubia." This song was absolutely, without a doubt, the best Act 1 finale I have ever seen. Again, I had chills throughout the entire song!! I have to admit, I had tears streaming down my face by the end. It was just another beautiful song. The applause and cheers at the end was crazy! Nikki and the rest of the cast definitely deserved every applause and cheer they received.

Act 2 began with "A Step Too Far." ok so cell phones should be banned from all theatres!!! During "Written In The Stars" (one of my fave songs) some fucking woman, a couple rows ahead of me, flipped open her cell and called someone!!! What the fuck?! Are you serious?? Not only was that extremely rude to the actors and everyone sitting around her, but that was fucking distracting!! I wanted to punch the back of her fucking head, but I couldn't reach hehe The next show you go to please TURN OFF your phone. Don't just put it on vibrate, turn the fucking thing off!!! ok, end of rant..."Written In The Stars" led right into "I Know The Truth" which was Amneris' solo. She sang this really well. It's also another fave of mine =) After this song, Aida and Radames were sentenced to die together by being entombed. This was a pretty emotional scene. Then the reprise of "Elaborate Lives" began. I don't even think I have to tell you I was crying haha This was one of the saddest songs of the show. I was trying so hard to keep the tears in, but I couldn't stop them. Aida and Radames were then put into a tomb and buried alive. It was definitely the saddest ending I've seen =( Then the museum set pieces were brought back on stage and the finale began, the reprise of "Every Story Is A Love Story." This was a really cute ending =) Amneris began singing the song and then proceeded to walk back to her display case. The museum began to fill with people walking around, looking at the exhibits. Michael and Nikki were among the people walking around. Everyone started to leave except them. They ended up on both sides of the tomb, Michael on one side and Nikki on the other. They walked around to the front and started talking to each other. The show then cute right?

So if you haven't seen this show already, I highly recommend seeing it. Also, buy the cast recording!! You will fall in love with the show like I did. Here's a video for you to watch if you want. This is Nikki singing "Home." You can watch Heather Headley and Adam Pascal sing "Elaborate Lives" on youtube. Please watch it even if you don't want to. If you don't get chills from watching this, you're super weird!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thank you Sirius 3 day trials

So today, Kerry was interviewed on Sirius by Seth Rudetsky. They both are so funny! I was laughing the entire time. Kerry was very sweet and adorable, as always =) She sang "On My Own" from Les Miserables. She sounded great!! That's one of my fave songs. She talked about what a bad dancer she is and when she was in Hairspray there was a lot of dancing hehe so she was kind of embarrassed. I was so bummed because they didn't talk about Little Shop or Xanadu!! They ended with "You Can't Stop The Beat" from Hairspray because Kerry likes that song. Here's a couple videos for everyone to watch. The first one is Kerry singing "Somewhere That's Green" from Little Shop. The second one is actually an audio clip of her singing "On My Own." Enjoy!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm super excited

Last night I got home from dog sitting all weekend and it was a lot of fun! I was so exhausted and was laying in bed, watching tv. The coolest thing happened...I was flipping through all the channels when I saw the opening credits for some movie. The name of the movie sounded really familiar. It looked like a movie Sienna Guillory, one of my fave actresses, was in! Then I saw her name!! This was a movie I had been wanting to see because she was in it. I just happened to catch it on tv. That was crazy lucky!! So, today I was looking through the usual Broadway sites where I get my news and I found out that Kerry Butler will be doing an interview with Seth Rudetsky on Sirius radio!!!! The interview will air on wed at 2pm!! I'm so excited! I don't have a subscription to Sirius, but I can sign up for a free 3 day trial to listen to it....sooo cool right? You can read about it here and you can sign up for a 3 day trial here. Everyone should listen because Kerry rules! =)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Warped Tour

ok I'm kicking myself for not buying tickets to Warped Tour at Darien Lake. Meg & Dia were performing this year and I should have gone. I guess I didn't feel like driving there by myself...dammit. Meg & Dia rule and I need to see them perform again. Anyway, I bought tix to see Aida yay!! I can't wait to see it! The cast recording is one of my faves =) omg I'm watching an X-Files episode on sci-fi and they mentioned Buffalo woohoo! um...oh yeah I'm dog sitting this weekend for a friend of mine so that should be fun. Her dogs are super cute! and she has a wii! What's better than wii bowling and playing with super cute dogs?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Across the Universe

I cannot wait to see this movie!! I'm totally addicted to watching the trailer. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it!

my New York trip

So if you haven't already read about my trip to New York City here it is again...sorry it's so long...

Hi guys! So I got back from New York sun night and I had the most amazing time ever!! I had so much fun! I can’t wait to go back again. We arrived in New York at about 7:00 in the morning on sat, June 30th. We stopped at this cute place for breakfast on 8th ave. The hostess liked my tattoos =) Then we walked around the theatre district for a bit before the NBC studio tour at 11:00. The tour was pretty cool. We saw the sets for Conan, SNL and some other stuff. After the tour, we stopped for lunch at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. It’s on the corner of Broadway and 51st st. ok seriously, if you have never eaten there before….go!!!! It’s the coolest restaurant I have ever been in. After eating there, it’s definitely my fave place ever!!! It’s a 50’s diner and the waiters and waitresses sing!! So cool right? They’re aspiring broadway performers so everyone has a really good voice and can sing well. We had the nicest waitresses! I requested for them to sing “Suddenly Seymour” and they did!!! Sometimes if you request a song, those servers working may not know the lyrics. So I was lucky there were a guy and girl to sing it. After they sang, it was our waitress’ turn to sing. She even came up to our table and sang to us!! That was so much fun.

After we ate, we went back to our hotel to get ready for Xanadu!! We get to the stagedoor around 6:00 and wait for Kerry to arrive. I had a handbag made for her!! It was kind of a late birthday present for her. The fabric had stars on it and on each side I had the Little Shop poster and Hairspray poster. Anyway, around 7:00 I finally see her walking down the street! I was freaking out I was so nervous lol She looked so adorable!! She had on her Xanadu hat and still wearing her makeup from the earlier performance =) She was so cute, she still had on the little jewels by her eyes lol I walked up to her and introduced myself. “Hi Kerry! I’m Katie. You probably don’t remember me but….” Then she immediately said “oh my god Hi! How are you?” she totally remembered me!!!! How awesome is that? =) “We met a few years ago right?” she said. I told her “Yeah! When you were in Little Shop!” I can’t believe she remembered me =) Then we talked for a bit about the show and I told her I was super excited to see it!! I gave her my present, which she loved!! We talked about her daughter and other things. I got a picture with her =) and showed her my portrait tattoo of her. She loved it!!! She covered her mouth and said “oh my god wow!” I would find out later that she told almost everyone about it! She asked me where I was sitting and I told her “row D, on the right side.” So then we said goodbye to each other and she said “I hope you enjoy the show!” I thanked her and everything =) After meeting Kerry, we walked around because we had time before the show started. Ok so we get to the theatre around 7:30 and I bought some Xanadu stuff. I bought a magnet, a mirror, a keychain, a poster and leg warmers!! They had Xanadu leg warmers like the ones Kerry wears in the show….so awesome!!!!! So we sat in our seats, waiting for the show to start. Then this guy came up to me and was like “Hi I’m Joe, Kerry Butler’s husband.” I met Kerry’s husband!!!!!! She told him about my tattoo and told him to look for me in the audience!! He really wanted to see it, so I showed him and he really liked it! =) He asked me if I had seen the show before and I told him I hadn’t. He said “I really hope you like it!” I said “thank you so much!” Then he went back to his seat. He was so nice!! And much cuter in person =)

Soon after that, the show started…woohoo!!! The show was so freakin hilarious!!! I couldn’t stop laughing, it was so funny!! Kerry was absolutely adorable as Kira, in her leg warmers and skates lol she has skates on most of the show! Her voice was flawless. When she sang, she gave me chills so many times during the show. It was hilarious watching her trying to be sexy lol so cute!! She had like the finger in the mouth and stuff and down on her knees…oh my god she was hot!! Cheyenne Jackson was Sonny and he was really good. I heard from some people that the original guy cast as Sonny, James Carpinello, wasn’t very good. So I was so happy to see Cheyenne. Not only can Cheyenne sing, but he is extremely hot!!!! He was in All Shook Up with Jenn Gamby! Tony Roberts played Danny. He was also very good. For someone his age still singing and dancing onstage is pretty damn good. He was in a movie with Sandy Duncan back in the 70’s! So yeah anyway Jackie Hoffman and Mary Testa were the evil sisters…they were so funny!! Both of them were ridiculously funny and just feeding off the audiences’ laughter! It was great. Andre Ward played Terpsicore. Every line that he had was sooo funny!! The way he delivered them made it even more funny. He was so over the top and just brilliant! Curtis Holbrook was also hilarious and he was in All Shook Up with Jenn Gamby too. Pretty cool right? The entire cast was just brilliant and hilarious. Xanadu is now one of my fave shows!! I can’t wait to buy the cast recording when it comes out. So the show ends and everyone came out to take their bow. Kerry received a standing ovation and lots and lots of cheers!!!! Yay =) On my way out of the theatre, I saw Kerry’s husband again! He was sitting only a few rows behind me. I stopped and talked to him. I said “I loved the show! It was so funny!” Then he said “oh good! I’m so glad you liked it!” He introduced me to his parents and we talked for a little bit about Kerry, the show, my tattoos and other stuff =) He asked me if I was going to the stagedoor and I told him I was. He said he would meet us out there! So I get to the stagedoor. Tony Roberts is the first one out. He signed a couple autographs and took off. Andre was the next one to come out, he signed a couple autographs and took off also….bummer…I really wanted to meet him. Then Cheyenne came out and all the girls ran up to him! I stood back from the mosh pit haha and watched him sign autographs and pose for pictures. Then Kerry came out!!! She had her hair down and her make up was gone. She looked gorgeous. She’s so stunning to look at. I watched her sign autographs and pose for pictures. Then I went up to her and she said “Hi!” with a big smile on her face =) I told her I met her husband and that he was really nice. She said “good! I told him to look for you!” I asked her to sign my poster, which she did. I asked her if I could get another picture with her. She smiled and said “sure!” then she asked me if she could get a picture of my tattoo!! How cool is that? She took out her camera phone and took a picture! I know she’s going to show everyone lol I asked her if she liked the bag and she said yes! I told her that she can take the pictures out and put in other pictures if she wants. She smiled and excitedly said “oh I can put pictures of me and my daughter in there!” she’s too cute =) I told her I loved the show!! We talked for a little bit and she gave me a hug!!!! =) I was so excited! Kerry hugged me! Then she went to the next girl to sign her playbill. I looked around and my mom was gone! Then I saw her talking with Kerry’s husband!! So I went and talked with him some more. Then we said good bye and he said “I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in New York.” I smiled and said “thank you!” He smiled and said “Have a great night.” After that I waited for Cheyenne to sign my poster. He looked at me and said “ok I have to see all your tattoos.” Kerry told him about my tattoo!! When he saw the Jenn Gamby portrait he was so excited. He was like “Gamby!” lol he kept touching the portrait of her! It was cute =) He was blown away by my Kerry portrait. He really liked it. Kerry was standing next to us signing stuff and she joined in on our conversation!!! So I had both Cheyenne and Kerry talking to me about my tattoos!!!! So fucking awesome!!! =) then I asked him to sign my poster and he did. I asked him if I could get a picture with him and the pic came out really good. We look so cute together haha I thanked him for everything. I saw Curtis so I went over to him and he signed my poster and posed for a pic. He was super cute! After that, I went over to Kerry one last time to say good bye and to thank her for everything. She’s such a sweetheart!!! As I walked back to the hotel, I was on cloud 9. I was so happy and excited about everything that day. I couldn’t wait to get my film developed and see my pictures!!

So the next day, we went back to the Stardust Diner for breakfast. It was really yummy and a lot of fun! After that, we went to the American Museum of Natural History. When I first walked in and saw the gi-normous dinosaur I was in awe. It was amazing. The entire museum is just incredible and so interesting!! It’s so freaky seeing some of those animals because they look so real! It looked like the tiger was going to jump out of the display and bite my face off lol seriously! It was kinda creepy haha When we left the museum we walked around times square and the theatre district for a bit. I bought so much shit!! As we were walking back to the hotel to leave for the airport, I saw Josh Strickland from Tarzan!!! Our hotel was right down the street from the theatre. He was out signing autograps and posing for pictures. It was the perfect end to a perfect weekend. I love New York!! It is unlike any other city in the world. Only in New York will you meet Kerry Butler and her husband, meet Cheyenne Jackson, see Kerry in Xanadu and laugh your ass off, and have Suddenly Seymour sang to you while eating! New York…it’s a hell of a town =)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Kerry Butler rules!

So anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a huge fan of Kerry's. For those who don't know me, let me tell you a little about my idol. She is one of the nicest and sweetest people you would ever want to me. I've gotten the opportunity to meet her a couple times and she is an absolute doll. Not only is she super cute and funny, but she has an amazing voice!! She is currently starring in the Broadway musical "Xanadu." If that sounds familiar then you are thinking of the movie "Xanadu" that was made in like the 80's and it was fucking horrible haha Anyway, she was also in my fave musical, Little Shop of Horrors. She played Audrey and she fucking rocked!! I saw her in it a couple times and I would kill to see her play Audrey again. I was listening to the Little Shop cast recording so I thought I would blog about Kerry and how much I adore her =)