Sunday, July 12, 2009

Broadway Rocks!

Today, I attended one of the BPO's (Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra) concerts at Artpark called "Broadway Rocks!" It's part of the Summerfest '09. There were 4 Broadway singers who sang hit songs from Broadway with the BPO. The main reason I went today was to see one of my fave Broadway actresses, Susan Egan. I had so much fun! I know so many people overuse this word, but I'm going to say it anyway...just once...the entire concert was just AMAZING!

We (my mom and I) had front row seats. When we got there and sat down, the stage was literally 1 to 2 feet away from our faces. Super close. Some of the people moved back because it was so close. I didn't really mind being that close because I love being able to see a performers expressions when they sing. Also, to see Susan Egan perform 2 feet from me...she's stunning. Not only is she beautiful, but her voice is so smooth and flawless. Oh yeah and she's preggie!!! So congratulations Susan!! The rest of the performers were Capathia Jenkins, powerhouse!! Darius De Haas and Doug LaBrecque. The BPO was conducted by Robert Franz, who I've had the opportunity to see before. He's one of my fave conductors. He's so passionate and his movements are very fluid. He's just mesmerizing and really fun to watch.

I'm not going to run down the entire concert list because it's kinda long. Howeve
r, the highlight of the concert for me was seeing Susan and Doug sing my absolute fave song, "Suddenly Seymour." Words cannot express how excited I was watching them. I was like a little girl with my eyes wide open and a big smile on my face. It was awesome. Another highlight was "And I'm Telling You" sung by Capathia Jenkins. For the final callback for the Dreamgirls movie, there were 2 people...Jennifer Hudson and Capathia Jenkins. She totally blew everyone away!! She received the loudest and longest applause of the afternoon. She definitely deserved it.

Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to see Susan afterward. Before the concert, I had emailed her and asked if she would be signing autographs after the show. She replied and said she had to catch a 7pm flight and would be leaving right after the bows. I hope she made her flight. Next year, she'll be performing with the BPO again, so hopefully I'll be able to see her after and say hi. If you ever get the chance to see the BPO perform, I highly recommend it. I think they don't get as much recognition as they deserve. So, go see them!

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