Friday, September 28, 2007

Kerry Butler supports Barack Obama!

Kerry Butler sang the national anthem at the Obama rally in Washington Square!! How cool is that? I think it's great she's a supporter because I am too yay!

Early and Often


9:03 AM

Obama at Washington Square: Where Did They Put all of the Dealers?

Barack Obama

Oh, he put them over there.Photo: Getty Images

If only something truly interesting had happened, or been said, at the big Obama rally last evening in Washington Square Park, whose attendance organizers put (a mite inflatedly, it seemed to our eyes) at 24,000. All those cute, wide-eyed, multiculti NYU students herded into the main area in front of the stage. A few misty-eyed introductory remarks from actor Jeffrey Wright about his NYU days, and how the historical diversity of the park's habituees parallels Obama's vision for America. Then cue up Kanye's heart-thumping "Touch the Sky" and the Opie-like candidate himself emerges from a phalanx of security, strides triumphantly through the park's triumphal arch, and gives a robust but utterly unsurprising stump speech, wrapping it up by leading a call and response — "Fired Up! Ready to go!" — that he says he learned from a little old lady in some burg in South Carolina. The whole thing felt like some droid-y, hip-hoppified Nashville.

At least Xanadu lead Kerry Butler, that virtuosic Olivia Newton-John impersonator, was there to white-soulfully deliver the national anthem beforehand, her insanely adorable (non-white!) two-year-old daughter, Segi, in tow. It was far from her first public recitation of the star-spangled ditty. "I've been doing a lot of softball games," she said. "I didn't go to public school, so we actually didn't have to sing it, so the first few times I had it in my pocket. But now I've memorized it." And, yes, she was there not as a hired set of lungs but as a true-blue Obama Girl. "I love the work that he's doing for Darfur," she said. So would she invite him to Xanadu? "I would love to do it right now, but there's too much security" — and even though a friend from Hairspray had offered to intro her to the Barackster after the rally, she had to go hustle into hair and makeup. Speaking of which, was she staying bang- and bump-free in her notoriously injury-inducing show? "I am," she said. "Knock on" — she rapped on the metal gate that cordoned off press from the VIP ramp up the rally stage — "whatever." —Tim Murphy

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm sad

Jim Lorentz, one of the announcers for the Sabres games, announced his retirement today. Sabres games won't be the same without him. At least we still have RJ. First Briere goes, then Drury goes...and now Jim. This sucks! We'll miss you Jim!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tattoos + Sabres = Best day ever!!

I'm getting tattooed today woohoo! I'm finally going to finish my right sleeve. Once all the color is done my arm is going to look rad! Not as rad as the Sabres of course hehe They play tonight at 8. It's only a pre-season game, but I'm still super excited!! Here we go Sabres here we go ::clap clap::

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's Miller Time!

This is a pic of my Ryan Miller tattoo. I asked him to sign my leg and then I got his signature tattooed on. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's go Sabres!!

Tonight is the first pre-season game!! I'm so excited!!! Let's go Buffalo!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


So I guess Across the Universe isn't opening in every city tomorrow...fuck! I have to wait another week to see it. This sucks!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My fave commercial

I love the commercial for the University of Phoenix. They use one of my fave songs, "Bleeding Heart Show" by The New Pornographers. They're a great band so check em out!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So I got tattooed today! I finished my right sleeve...well almost. It still needs to be colored, but I'm so excited! It looks rad and swollen haha I got a bunch of traditional stuff to fill all the spaces. It's pretty sore now =(

Monday, September 10, 2007

Stalking Ryan Miller

I went to the zoo with a friend of mine today. I love going to the zoo, it's so much fun!! Later, we drove by Ryan Miller's house and he was home! His garage door was up and his car was in the garage. It was so rad!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I love Dolly bags!

I received my new Dolly bag today!! It's so cute! I also ordered a mini bag in a different fabric because I wanted both fabrics hehe If you don't have a Dolly bag, go buy one right now! They're the cutest bags ever
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Friday, September 7, 2007

yay for free stuff!

I ordered a couple things from Total Skull. For those of you who don't know what Total Skull is, it's a clothing line designed by Sheri Moon Zombie (Rob Zombie's wife). She's so rad! There's some other accessories and stuff she designs too. Anyway, I received my order today and they gave me 3 free stickers!! So cool right? The stickers are already up on my dvd cabinet.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Movies to see this month...

The Brave One - Sept 14th
Eastern Promises - Sept 14th
Across the Universe - Sept 21st
Resident Evil: Extinction - Sept 21st
The Kingdom - Sept 28th